Kristin Lowe (B.S.Ed., M.A.O.P, ICF ACC, CPPC) is a former international school teacher who now works as an organisational psychologist, strengths-based leadership coach, and positive parenting educator.
Kristin is passionate about helping international school communities cultivate what is best within themselves and leverage these strengths to help students become confident, capable, and caring people.
Kristin’s coaching and consulting practice centers around applied positive psychology, helping all members of school communities build upon their strengths, develop positive mindsets, and optimise collaboration.
Kristin works remotely and on-site with…
School Directors who want to build a positive and innovative organisation
Principals and PD Leaders wanting to adopt strengths-based faculty development
School Boards who want to accelerate cohesion and leverage diverse strengths
Departmental Teams who want to collaborate and communicate effectively
Teachers and Counselors who want to broaden and build student wellbeing
Parent-Teacher Groups who want to foster strengths-based parenting practices
Kristin holds degrees in education and organisational psychology, and she is certified in international counseling, positive psychology coaching (ICF ACC / CPPC), and the use of several psychometric assessment instruments which help people understand and make the most of their unique strengths and personality traits, including Strengths Profile and MBTI.
As an American with over two decades of work experience in the U.S., Central Asia, Japan, Hong Kong, Beijing, and the Netherlands, Kristin’s global perspective gives her a high degree of comfort working in diverse, cross-cultural settings. She regularly coaches and consults with leaders, teams, and parents around the world.
Kristin is married to a long-time international school leader, and together they have raised three terrific daughters in international school communities in Asia and Europe.
“I love these ideas; they gave me energy and focus. What was most remarkable about Kristin was her warmth, her humour, and her knowledge. She made the classroom a safe space for us to share some very personal information and to feel comfortable in the setting. As both a parent and as President of the PTO, I am thankful that we have Kristin Lowe as part of our community. She is passionate about sharing these remarkable concepts and has been guiding us to look inwards and think about where we are putting our energies and how it will help us, and our children move forward.”
— Suzanne Perl, President, Parent-Teacher Organization, American School of The Hague