Virtual Strength Star Cards for PESA Members

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The Strength Stars cards provide a learning tool for young children to discover and develop their character strengths. Strength Stars cards are based on the philosophy of early education that recognise the early years as a critical period in children’s learning, development and identity.

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These cards are one part of the Strength Stars program for early education that has been developed by psychologist and education expert Lea Waters (AM, PhD), based upon her university research and acclaimed book ‘The Strength Switch’.  The program includes activities for students, families and staff to help embed a strengths-based approach in early childhood education.

The backbone of this framework is the evidence-based VIA character strength model. The VIA model works with 24 character strengths which have been validated in over 52 countries. The VIA model is being used in kindergartens, schools, universities, businesses, hospitals, psychology clinics, and even in Olympic sports teams.

Strength Stars program product examples to support wellbeing of early learning centres



Hear more about the Strength Stars program from Lea…