Teacher Wellbeing


Join Professor Waters and her panel of invited guests from around the globe to hear tips on how to support teacher wellbeing in a rapidly changing landscape.

Teachers have done an amazing job in the move to remote learning and focusing on what is best for their students. Now it is time we help to nurture the teachers. 

This webinar brings together a panel of teachers, school leaders and psychologists from Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong to share tips with the audience on how to help teachers maintain a sense of connection and coping during the rapid shift to eLearning.


~ Invited international and Australian panelists ~

A/Prof Mathew White FACE

Deputy Head, School of Education, The University of Adelaide

Australia, SA

Narelle Umbers

Principal, Samuel Marsden Collegiate School

New Zealand

Chris Barr

Head of Primary, Discovery College

Hong Kong

Marnie Thomas

Marcus Wicher

Sandra Surace

Head of Positive Education, Newcastle Grammar School

Australia, NSW

Principal, Auburn South Primary School

Australia, VIC

Mental Health Education Consultant, headspace

Australia, VIC